Take the moulds out of the oven, loosen the edges carefully with a knife.
Make Molten Choco Lava cake at home using Microwave oven or convection.
Do not feel bad if you do not have oven or microwave-convection, you can make molten Choco lava cake in cooker also.
Bahan - bahan Choco lava cake (no bake, no mixer, no oven)
- Ini 2 butir dari telur.
- Anda perlu 1 1/2 sdm dari tepung terigu.
- Anda perlu 2 sdm dari tepung coklat.
- Siapkan 1/2 blok dari coklat vanhoutten (karena ga punya cooking coklat).
- Ini 2 sdm dari margarin.
- Ini 2 sdm dari susu kental manis coklat.
Choco lava cake (no bake, no mixer, no oven) Cara Membuat
- Kocok telur dan gula hingga rata, masukkan tepung terigu dan tepung coklat.
- Lelehkan coklat dan margarin, masukkan kedalam adonan kemudian tambahkan susu kental manis coklat, aduk hingga rata.
- Tuang ke dalam cetakan dan kukus selama 2-3 menit..
- Sajikan dengan gula halus tabur. Cepet kaaaan.
This choco lava recipe is a simple recipe which involves no baking and can be easily made without any preparations in advance. Try this simple irresistible chocolate dessert recipe and let me know in the comment section how it turned out. You'll love this Mexican "Hot" Chocolate Molten Lava Cakes recipe! For Valentine's Day this year, thought I'd post a classic favorite from my kitchen — these adorable little chocolate molten lava cakes! For this week's Bake Along challenge from Fondbites, Subhashini selected Molten Choco Lava Cake.
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