I love to make this pasta bake whenever I need to bring a dish to pass.
Fresh tomatoes add a nice touch that's missing from most other meat, pasta and tomato casseroles.—Karla Johnson.
Our five-ingredient Italian baked pasta is super easy to make and includes layers of your choice of pasta, three cheeses and marinara sauce.
Bahan - bahan Baked pasta
- Ini 200 gr dari pasta.
- Siapkan Secukupnya dari saus bolognese.
- Siapkan Secukupnya dari saus bechamel.
- Siapkan Secukupnya dari keju parut.
Baked pasta langkah - langkah
- Rebus pasta hingga aldente. Tiriskan..
- Panaskan oven pada suhu 250 menggunalan api atas..
- Susun pasta dan saus dengan urutan: bolognese-pasta-bolognese-pasta-bolognese-bechamel-keju parut.
- Oven selama 15 menit hingga bagian atas kecoklatan..
- Baked pasta siap disajikan..
Cozy up to a bubbly baked pasta hot out of the oven. With easy weeknight recipes as well as global pasta bakes that bring the flavors of Italy, India, and beyond to your dinner table, we have a baked. A collection of delicious baked pasta recipes from Italy including vegetarian, seafood and meat pasta al forno, perfect for when you have guests! Fire up those ovens: It's baked pasta season. Pasta is good, but as the weather gets cooler, nothing quite says comfort like digging into a bubbling, cheesy casserole dish full of baked pasta.
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