If you're just getting started making cheese at home, cream cheese is a great option for beginners.
Making homemade cream cheese also gives you control over the ingredients in the foods your family eats.
Spoon the salted cream cheese into the ramekin, avoiding creating air pockets.
Bahan - bahan Cream cheese homemade
- Anda perlu dari keju cheddar (boleh merk apa aja).
- Anda perlu dari susu uht full cream.
- Anda perlu dari tepung maizena.
Cream cheese homemade Cara Membuat
- Parut keju cheddar kemudian tambahkan susu aduk rata.sisakan susu sedikit untuk melarutkan tepung maizena ya..
- Masak keju dan susu uht dengan double boiler. Caranya letakkan panci isi campuran keju dan susu uht diatas panci yg sudah diisi air.gunakan api kecil masak hingga keju larut.
- Lalu tambahkan larutan maizena,aduk2 hingga mengental kemudian matikan api..
- Kalou masih ada yg menggerindil bs disaring atau diblender ya..
- Siapkan wadah yg dialasi dg plastik wrap. Bungkus creamcheese dg plastik wrap agak tidak ada permukaan yg kering ya.kemudian tutup wadah. Simpan didalam kulkas kalo tdk langsung digunakan..
- NB: bisa tahan 3 harian dikulkas. Karena saya blm pernah coba lebih dr itu. Tp ada yg blg bs tahan 1 minggu dikulkas 😊.
You won't have to rely on store-bought sauce when an Italian Food craving hits. The cream cheese recipe is great. Making Greek yogurt uses the same process except with milk rather than cream. I would advise to not make cheese or yogurt without the cultures. Using specific dairy cultures promote rapid growth of the beneficial bacteria rather than potential spoilage bacteria found in the air, tap water, and other locations.
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