It is also known to be a great natural remedy against leukemia, and for lowering the risk of heart disease, cancer.
Simple juice recipe! raw juice recipe!
Carrot juice recipe for kids & toddlers - Carrot juice can be made in a blender or juicer very easily We juice carrots sometimes when the kids ask for it or when I end up having too many carrots in the.
Bahan - bahan Carrot Juice Simple
- Ini 4 buah dari wortel segar.
- Anda perlu 1 Gelas dari air putih.
- Ini 2 sdm dari madu.
Carrot Juice Simple langkah - langkah
- Kupas dan cuci bersih wortel lalu potong-potong agar mudah di haluskan. Sisihkan.
- Taruh wortel ke dalam gelas blender tambahkan air putih lalu blender sampai lembut.
- Tambahkan madu lalu aduk atau blender sampai madu benar-benar tercampur dengan jus wortel.
- Selanjutnya tiriskan dengan menyaring jus wortel hingga bebas dari ampasnya. Tuang ke dalam gelas, jus wortel siap di nikmati.
Wash and chop the carrots and add them to a blender. Fresh carrot and apple juice with a hint of ginger can be made with or without a juicer.{Clean How to Make Carrot Apple Juice without a Juicer: Clean and peel carrots and apples(removing core) and. Carrot juice is a 'miracle concoction' filled with awesome nutrient goodness. Juicing of carrots gives you most of the live enzymes present in it. It provides concentrated nutritional benefits to boost your.
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