This tea is "special" because it consists of three aesthetic layers of gula melaka syrup (bottom), evaporated milk (middle) and brewed black tea (top).
So this drink is also known as "Three Layer Teh C Peng".
Home > Recipes > Three Layer Tea (Teh C Peng).
Bahan - bahan 🇲🇾 Teh C Peng
- Anda perlu 20 gr dari Gula merah.
- Anda perlu 2 sdm dari air.
- Ini 150 ml dari Teh seduh (apa saja).
- Siapkan 150 ml dari susu evaporasi.
- Anda perlu secukupnya dari Es batu.
🇲🇾 Teh C Peng Cara Membuat
- Lelehkan gula Merah dg 2 sdm air, seduh teh.Siapkan gelas, Isi dg Lapisan pertama gula Merah cair. Kemudian tambahkan es batu dan susu..
- Susu evaporated bisa dibuat dg memasak fresh milk menjadi setengah Dari takaran semula ya bund. Terakhir tambahkan teh seduh. Siap disajikan.
Other known names for this unique drink are Teh Si Ping Special For the record, Teh is the local work for Tea and pronounced as Tey. Teh C Peng Special (Three-Layer Milk Tea) made up of (bottom) tea, evaporated milk and Gula Melaka (Palm sugar) syrup. This drink is native to Sarawak Malaysia. Photo about A picture of a local Sarawakian famous drink teh c peng special. Download preview. 🇦🇽 Аландские острова 🇦🇸 Американское Самоа 🇦🇮 Ангилья 🇦🇶 Антарктика 🇦🇬 Антигуа и Барбуда 🇦🇼 Аруба 🇻🇺 Вануату 🇯🇪 Джерси 🇦🇨 Остров Вознесения 🇧🇸 Багамы 🇧🇧 Барбадос 🇧🇲 Бермуды 🇧🇻 Остров Буве 🇮🇴 Британская территория в.
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