Fancy twisted cheese breadsticks with that satisfying crunchy, buttery texture are easy to make because they are made with prepared frozen dough.
Cheesy potato pancakes recipe - the best way to use up leftover mashed potatoes!
Mashed Potato Pancakes are crispy outside and loaded with melty cheese!
Bahan - bahan Potato Cheese Stick
- Anda perlu 500 gr dari Kentang.
- Siapkan 10 sdm dari Maizena.
- Ini 150 gr dari Keju cheddar, parut.
- Ini Secukupnya dari seledri (saya pakai Daun Bawang), iris.
- Siapkan dari Garam.
- Anda perlu dari Lada bubuk.
- Anda perlu dari Kaldu bubuk.
- Siapkan dari Saus sambal.
- Siapkan dari Mayonaise.
Potato Cheese Stick Cara Membuat
- Rebus kentang hingga matang keseluruhan, ulek haluskan..
- Lalu masukkan maizena, keju, seledri, garam, lada, kaldu. Aduk rata dan uleni..
- Masukkan dalam kantong plastik bening, giling ratakan..
- Potong-potong sesuai ukuran yang kita inginkan..
- Goreng dalam minyak panas hingga kering kecoklatan. Tiriskan lalu beri saus dan mayonaise..
These baked cheesy potatoes satisfy even hearty appetites. It's easy to fix since there's no need to peel the potatoes. The mild, comforting flavor goes nicely with any meat—I. Watch out these potatoes are cheese loaded. You haven't eaten fried mozzarella sticks until you've tried these mozzarella sticks, breaded with light, crispy Panko bread crumbs.
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