The secret to a really great brownie is using both melted chocolate AND cocoa powder, plus butter instead of oil (because butter has way better flavour than oil).
The combination of these plus minimal flour, just enough to make a barely-set batter, and brown sugar rather than white (for extra moisture and chewiness) is what will deliver that.
There's nothing wrong with being a purist, especially when it comes to your brownies.
Bahan - bahan Choco Brownies
- Ini 150 gr dari dark chocolate.
- Anda perlu 50 gr dari mentega.
- Ini 40 ml dari minyak sayur.
- Anda perlu 150 gr dari gula pasir.
- Anda perlu 2 butir dari telur.
- Siapkan 100 gr dari terigu protein sedang.
- Siapkan 30 gr dari cokelat bubuk.
- Ini dari chocochips.
Choco Brownies Cara Membuat
- Cairkan mentega,dark chocolate,dan minyak sayur.
- Cokelat bubuk dan terigu diayak,sisihkan.
- Mixer telur dan gula pasir hingga gula larut dan sedikit mengembang.masukkan lelehan coklat mentega lalu aduk balik dengan whisk..
- Masukkan cokelat bubuk dan terigu secara bertahap dan bergantian.terakhir masukkan chocochips sesuai selera..
- Tuang diatas loyang yg sudah dialas baking paper dan sedikit margarin.masukkan ke oven yg sudah dipanaskan sebelumnya..
- Panggang selama kurang lebih 30-40menit di suhu 160'C atau tergantung masing masing oven.
Gently melt the butter and the sugar together in a large pan. Once melted, take off the heat and add the. Worlds Best Fudgiest Brownies live up to their name! Perfect crisp crackly top, super fudgy centre, chewy and gooey in all the right places with melted chunks of chocolate! Each ingredient comes measured AND weighed FOR YOU!
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